Friday, November 7, 2014

Can we just pretend??

There are many things, as a mother, that we just DON'T want to think about!

This morning I assisted my mom with a Premier Jewelry show for the staff of a local nursing home. As I'm sitting there observing a few of the staff ladies looking over the jewelry and chatting, I hear one of the ladies say "She is going to drive me crazy about this college thing! It's just one of those things, if I don't think about it then it doesn't exist!" 

So, of course, that got me thinking! Oohh, if people only knew how often moms do that! I mean, my motherhood journey is still just in the beginning stages (5 yr old and 3 mo old), but I have seriously done and said that sooooo many times. "I'm just not going to think about it!" Which means, "It's never going to happen!"

Things like (in no particular order).....College (like she said), their first dates, driving, moving out, their first heartbreak, their first car accident, their weddings, graduation, their first trips without mom and dad, and I could go on and on.

For me, right now, it's little things like, when he tells me not to kiss him in front of his friends, the first time he stays the night at a friends house, when he no longer wants to cuddle with me, or when instead of saying "I love you, Momma", he just says "Bye!". Even stupid things like, when he starts wanting to play "big boy" games instead of his Lego games, when he doesn't want a "themed" birthday party, but instead wants to go to a restaurant or something with some friends,  or OH MY GOSH, when he no longer wants to watch the Disney channel or Disney movies. UGGHHHH!!!

So, can we just pretend? If I don't think about it then it doesn't exist, right? RIGHT!?!?!

I swear, God has been really trying to get it through my thick skull lately, that my little babies are not going to be little forever. Enjoy them now, Brittney, before they're done with the "little kid" stuff and doing teenage stuff. Stop getting so frustrated when he says "Look at me!" 20 million times in a row, because one day he'll be saying "Leave me alone!" instead.


  1. Replies
    1. I know! It's just so sad when I think about them getting big! That's why I just don't like to think about it! =)
