Monday, November 10, 2014


Right this minute as I am blogging away, I am sitting in a nice, hot, "Pure Epsom Salt with Eucalyptus and Spearmint", bubbly bath! Am I enjoying some well-needed, well-deserved "Me-Time"? Hardly!

Once a mother, "me-time" no longer exists! You may think that one hour trip to the department store qualifies as such, or that hour spent getting your nails and feet done, or how about that night out, just you and the hubby??? NOPE! None of that qualifies as "me-time"! 

Wanna know why?

As I sit here in my nice, hot, "Pure Epsom Salt with Eucalyptus and Spearmint", bubbly bath, want to know what's going on, on the other side of that door? My kids! While my 3 month old is sound asleep, I am still sitting here thinking about him! Mainly, PRAYING he doesn't wake up and pull me from my so-called relaxation time, but also just worrying and thinking about him. My 5 year old? Want to know what he's doing?? Pretending to be some superhero that LITERALLY sounds like is tearing my house apart. And yes, I can hear every single bit of it! 

OH, right on cue, there he is, opening my "door to privacy" asking me to fix his shirt so he can properly portray the roll of Bruce turning into the Hulk. 

"Me-Time" does not exist for moms! Moms do not even know what the word 'ME' means. This is a word that applies directly to ones self. Moms no longer have that luxury. No matter what we're doing, no matter where we're at, or who we are with, it is still and always will be, all about our kids. Our children are always on our minds, whether we're with them or not. 

So, yeah! When you decide to take the journey of motherhood, you can go ahead and throw all that "me-time" right out the window, because it will, immediately, become a distant memory! However, totally worth it!! =)

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