My 5 year old talks A LOT! ;) Who knew, huh? Most of the time, he's not really saying anything...just talking. Another surprise, right? Sometimes, though, he really does have important things to say, if only we'll take the moment to stop and listen. And, a lot of times, he really is very funny. My husband mentioned, maybe about a week ago, that we needed to start writing down some of the funny things he says, because, well...we get busy and days go by and we forget all about that one thing he said last week that was sooo funny it had us crying! At the time that he mentioned it, I really didn't think much of the idea. You know how sometimes it takes a little while for something to actually sink in? For most people, it's probably like a few minutes, maybe an hour or so. Yeah, well for me, it's like a week or so, sometimes longer. Thinking back on the moment that he mentioned it, it's almost like I didn't even hear him, though, obviously I did. But, today, it was finally like an "AH-HA" kind of moment. That's a really good idea. If we write all this stuff down, and still have it when he gets older, that would be something not only REALLY cool for us to look back on, but him as well.
So, since this realization that my husband does actually have some good ideas from time to time, and that was one of them, I couldn't help but think... how many other things are said to me that I HEAR, but don't really hear in the moment? How much am I missing, not only with my ears, but also with my eyes? As moms, we are like crazy busy ALL THE TIME!! And I'm not just talking physically busy (though we are), but really, isn't it more MENTALLY busy? It is for me. My brain NEVER shuts off. I am ALWAYS thinking about something, planning something, worried about EVERYTHING. And they are all IMPORTANT somethings. How do you turn it off? If anyone is reading this and you are a Vampire Diaries fan, I think moms should have those switches that they have in their minds where we can just "turn it off". BUUUTTT...we don't! I mean, not really, but we do have a choice to be more intentional. To make it a point to. just. STOP. and be there in the moment.
YES, yes! I know!! It's not always that easy! But what about parenting is easy? And who ever said it would be?? If you do or did have someone tell you that it's easy, then they were totally full of it, and might possibly have some mental issues they need to get checked out! =) Just sayin!!
My evenings are always the busiest part of my day. Evenings are also the time of day that I have the most time with my oldest, now that he's in school. I find myself most nights just trying to make it to bedtime. Just trying to make it to that point when they are both sound asleep and the house is quite. WHY??? So, I can have some piece and quite to think and worry about EVERYTHING?? REALLY!?! Because that is exactly what will happen, unless I go to sleep, which is usually what I do.
So, here's to savoring the moment. Being intentional about slowing down to enjoy the time that I have with my kids. Putting my cares and worries into the hands of God. My boys are so precious to me, and that is what I need to remember at that very moment in the middle of my crazy, busy night, when my 5 year old is playing his game and jumping around the living room like a little monkey, while baby brother is crying because he wants to be held, but I HAVE to get dinner done and on the table (and so much more), and I just want to scream!!.....NO! Just stop! Enjoy it, and realize what grandparents will tell you..."One day you will blink and they will be all grown up." The house will be quite and I will miss it more than anything. They will grow up one day. They will move out. They will have families of their own, and they just won't need me as much. THAT is a very sobering thought!
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